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Quitting a nnvirtual group is slow

From: Alexander Baier
Subject: Quitting a nnvirtual group is slow
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:35:04 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello everbody,

I am currently experimenting with virtual groups and noticed that it
takes way longer to close (by hitting `g`) a virtual group, than a
normal group (that is nntp or nnimap).

The virtual group consists of 4 nnimap groups that contain ~1.3k
messages in total.  One of these groups contains ~1k messages and
quiting it is instantaneous, just like quitting nntp groups.  Both the
virtual and the 4 nnimap groups are completely cached.

Does anyone know, why quitting the virtual group takes such a long time
(about 5 seconds) compared to the other ones?



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