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Re: Strings in Octave and Matlab

From: Matthias Brennwald
Subject: Re: Strings in Octave and Matlab
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 08:00:29 +0100

On Jan 7, 2009, at 2:02 AM, John W. Eaton wrote:

On  6-Jan-2009, James Sherman Jr. wrote:

| I believe this is just because octave is just more lax because it accepts | both ' and " as delimeters for a string. I think they did this for those | that are used to programming in C and are more familiar with using " instead
| of '.
| Just stick with the single apostrophe ( ' ) and you should be fine.
| I know there are other cases like this (using the ++ operator I think is | one), but I don't know of any mode where you can force Matlab compatibility
| in Octave.

You can do

 warning on Octave:matlab-incompatible

It doesn't catch everything.


Thanks, this is exactly what (I thought) I was looking for.

I put 'warning on Octave:matlab-incompatible' into my .octaverc file so that I'd get a warning if I'd write code that would not work well with Matlab. This does the trick, but I also get loads of warnings from the m-files that came with Octave (i.e. not from my code). Is there a way to make these checks apply only for my code, but not the m- files that are part of Octave?


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