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[Help-gnunet] gentoo cvs

From: Benjamin Paul Kay
Subject: [Help-gnunet] gentoo cvs
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 19:24:16 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040917)

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Christian Grothoff wrote:
| On Wednesday 22 September 2004 12:43 pm, Alex wrote:
|>Benajmin Paul Kay,
|>  Here is a new file that should correctly
|>recognise your automake version (automake-1.7
|>versions, automake-1.5 versions, and otherwise lower
|>version than 1.5.)
|> Please tell me if it works.
| Well, that will just arbitrarily pick automake-1.7 if it
exists --
| but that does not solve the problem of which version will be invoked from
| autoreconf / autoconf.  The current script in cvs tests what the
| version of automake/autoconf is (without -version), which indicates some
| rather strange properties for Benjamin's system.  In the end, without
| evidence, I'll be happy to blame gentoo.
| C

OK, here's an ugly hack (to GNUnet, not Gentoo) that makes some progress:
Inside /usr/bin/automake, it says:
# Executes the correct autoconf version.
# - defaults to automake-1.4
# - runs automake-1.8 if it exists and...
#   - envvar WANT_AUTOMAKE is set to `1.8'
#     -or-
#   - `' was generated by automake-1.8 or superior, which
#     specifically needs automake-1.8
#     -or_
#   - 'aclocal.m4' contain AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION, specifying the use of 1.8
# - runs automake-1.7 if it exists and...
#   - envvar WANT_AUTOMAKE is set to `1.7'
#     -or-
#   - `' was generated by automake-1.7 or superior, which
#     specifically needs automake-1.7
#     -or-
#   - 'aclocal.m4' contain AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION, specifyint the use of 1.7
#     -or-

So if the bootstrap script is modified to look like this:
cd libltdl
WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.7" autoreconf -f -i
cd ..
WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.7" autoreconf -f -i

With these modifications, . bootstrap and ./configure work; make fails.
The same results are achived with WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.8", plus a bunch of
warnings during the bootstrap process. Note that these changes could be
made in the two aclocal.m4's instead of the bootstrap script, but I felt
that might be more prone to error (and prone to forgetting to change the
automake version when GNUnet moves to version automake>=1.8).

Hopefully someone can shed some light on why make is now failing; I've
attached some output. I've also changed the subject to more accurately
reflect what's going on in the thread.

Thanks everyone for the help!
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