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[Help-glpk] using multi-dimensional data files

From: Laura Firth
Subject: [Help-glpk] using multi-dimensional data files
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 16:31:08 +0800

I have been using glpk (the GLPSOL solver) using the GNU MathProg modelling
language and am trying to use a data file with more than two dimensions.  I
have tried using the following code:

set A;
set G;
set R;
set H;
set B;
param d{a in A, g in G, r in R, b in B} >=0;
*** rest of capacity problem

*** new file for data:
set A := 1 2 3 4;
set G := 1 2;
set R := 1330 1310;
set H := 102 255 99999;
set B := acc_emerg icu ccu;
param d[a,g,r,b] := data( a in A, g in G, r in R, b in B:
4       2       1330    ccu     7
3       2       1330    icu     10
2       1       1330    acc_emerg       15
*** other parameters

and I get the error message:
analysis/capacity_data.txt:10: d requires numeric data
Context: ...acc_emerg icu ccu ; param d [ a , g , r , b ] := data
Model processing error

Do you know where I am going wrong, or another way I can do this?  This is
just an extract from the data and the real file is quite long, so I don't
want to have to do too much re-arranging if possible.

Thanks for your help,

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