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too many gotos

From: Nick Chapman
Subject: too many gotos
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:44:54 +0000


I have a grammar which exceeds the limit on the number of gotos in bison.
I get this problem in versions 1.28 and 1.875.

The problem is that short is used for indexing the goto_map, which limits the
number of gotos to 32767.

    typedef short goto_number;

Making a quick change to my bison 1.875 sources, to avoid the abort, I can see
that my grammar has around 45000 gotos.

I understand that other limits have been increased/removed in the more recent
versions of bison - why not the number of gotos? Is this not a common problem?

Is the solution just a `simple' matter of changing the typedef for goto_number
to be int, or are there other more subtle dependencies?

Or is it better to try transforming the grammar to reduce the number of gotos?
The problem is, I don't know what aspects of a grammar will influence this.


Nick Chapman, Amadido Limited. address@hidden
34, St. Mary's Road, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6AD, UK.
+44 1895 473691 (work)  +44 7966 421391 (mobile)

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