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Re: Traslation tools

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Traslation tools
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:00:47 +0200

Antenore Gatta <address@hidden>:
I've committed the first translation, I'm far from the end... Please
check it and let me know if  it not works.

I have enabled the Italian languge at:

The Italian support was already ready at:

$ msgfmt messages.po

It is great see your translation at . I
have to update the Spanish one: the FAQ has been modified, etc.

I am moving my home. Now it muy turn :-)   I hope the server will not
be out of line more than one day.

> The tool 'poedit' can parse PHP source but I think it can not the
> smarty templates we use. Anyway, I will try to modify the smarty tool
> tsmarty2c.php to parse both translation tags we are using:
>   {t}string to translate{/t}
>   {'string to translate'|gettext}
> I have not used xgettext to extract the strings. I have done it by
> hand.  I hope we will be able to use an automatic system to extract
> and update the strings from the source code: PHP and smarty templates.

Do you simply need to extract all the "string to translate" ? If so I
can try to write a perl/shell script. Please give me more details of
what do you need.

Yes, we need a tool to extract all the "string to translate" to a .POT
file to make it easier our translator work.

To extract the strings which are kept inside the .php files, we can
use, as you know, the xgettext tool.

To extract the strings which are kept inside the .tpl files, we can
use the tsmarty2c.php tool, which I attach you. However such tool only
support the {t}string{/t} tag. It does not support the
{'string'|gettext ..}, which we are using too. I think it is very easy
modify the tsmarty2c.php. I have just not get the free time needed to
do it. I have others tasks too related to the GNU Herds project.

If you have free time, feel free to do such perl tool. However, maybe
the Italian translation is more important. Feel free to do what you
want to with your free time ;-)

Slowly but surely,

Attachment: tsmarty2c.php
Description: application/httpd-php

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