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Re: [open-cobol-list] Small addition for OpenCOBOL Programmers Guide

From: vince
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] Small addition for OpenCOBOL Programmers Guide
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:39:22 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.5; i686; ; )

On Tuesday 10 Apr 2012 22:15:49 john Culleton wrote:

> > > vince <address@hidden> wrote:
> > > > '/' are not an accepted character, which is used to eject page on
> > > > printing and as the compiler does not really produce full
> > > > reporting (other than via the -P flag) it would not get used so
> > > > sounds reasonable that it is not liked :)
> > > 
> > > I am as usual confused. Is the -P flag valid for Open Cobol? It
> > > doesn't work for me.
> > 
> > hmm.let see:
> > 
> > -----------------
> > address@hidden common]$ ls -la sys002.*
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 vince vince 96427 2012-04-09 23:37 sys002.cbl
> > address@hidden common]$ cobc -m -P sys002.cbl
> > address@hidden common]$ ls -la sys002.*
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 vince vince  96427 2012-04-09 23:37 sys002.cbl
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 vince vince 120017 2012-04-10 21:48 sys002.lst
> > -rwxr-xr-x 1 vince vince 178075 2012-04-10 21:48*
> > -----------------
> > 
> > Works here.
> My results:
> Bash-4.1$ cobc -P -x -fixed hello.cbl
> cobc: unrecognized option '-P'

Sorry for delay, trying to compile some modules for DB2 with OC but having 
problems (not with OC but before in the cycle).

OK, back to your problem.  type running 'cobc -x -P hello.cbl', eg without '-
free' as that's the default but take note of the command order as that works 
for me.

If that fails as before, then see what 'cobc -h' produces hopefully something 
like this (but you may find some very small differences but note them!):

address@hidden cobol_mf]$ cobc -h
Usage: cobc [options] file ...

  -help                 Display this message
  -version, -V          Display compiler version
  -info, -i             Display compiler build information
  -v                    Display the commands invoked by the compiler
  -x                    Build an executable program
  -m                    Build a dynamically loadable module (default)
  -std=<dialect>        Warnings/features for a specific dialect :
                          cobol2002   Cobol 2002
                          cobol85     Cobol 85
                          ibm         IBM Compatible
                          mvs         MVS Compatible
                          bs2000      BS2000 Compatible
                          mf          Micro Focus Compatible
                          default     When not specified
                        See config/default.conf and config/*.conf
  -free                 Use free source format
  -fixed                Use fixed source format (default)
  -O, -O2, -Os          Enable optimization
  -g                    Enable C compiler debug / stack check / trace
  -debug                Enable all run-time error checking
  -o <file>             Place the output into <file>
  -b                    Combine all input files into a single
                        dynamically loadable module
  -E                    Preprocess only; do not compile or link
  -C                    Translation only; convert COBOL to C
  -S                    Compile only; output assembly file
  -c                    Compile and assemble, but do not link
  -P(=<dir or file>)    Generate preprocessed program listing (.lst)
  -Xref                 Generate cross reference through 'cobxref'
                        (V. Coen's 'cobxref' must be in path)
  -I <directory>        Add <directory> to copy/include search path
  -L <directory>        Add <directory> to library search path
  -l <lib>              Link the library <lib>
  -A <options>          Add <options> to the C compile phase
  -Q <options>          Add <options> to the C link phase
  -D <define>           DEFINE <define> to the COBOL compiler
  -K <entry>            Generate CALL to <entry> as static
  -conf=<file>          User defined dialect configuration - See -std=
  -list-reserved        Display reserved words
  -list-intrinsics      Display intrinsic functions
  -list-mnemonics       Display mnemonic names
  -list-system          Display system routines
  -save-temps(=<dir>)   Save intermediate files
                        - Default : current directory
  -ext <extension>      Add default file extension

  -W                    Enable ALL warnings
  -Wall                 Enable all warnings except as noted below
  -Wobsolete            Warn if obsolete features are used
  -Warchaic             Warn if archaic features are used
  -Wredefinition        Warn incompatible redefinition of data items
  -Wconstant            Warn inconsistent constant
  -Woverlap             Warn overlapping MOVE items
  -Wparentheses         Warn lack of parentheses around AND within OR
  -Wstrict-typing       Warn type mismatch strictly
  -Wimplicit-define     Warn implicitly defined data items
  -Wcorresponding       Warn CORRESPONDING with no matching items
  -Wexternal-value      Warn EXTERNAL item with VALUE clause
  -Wcall-params         Warn non 01/77 items for CALL params
                        - NOT set with -Wall
  -Wcolumn-overflow     Warn text after column 72, FIXED format
                        - NOT set with -Wall
  -Wterminator          Warn lack of scope terminator END-XXX
                        - NOT set with -Wall
  -Wtruncate            Warn possible field truncation
                        - NOT set with -Wall
  -Wlinkage             Warn dangling LINKAGE items
                        - NOT set with -Wall
  -Wunreachable         Warn unreachable statements
                        - NOT set with -Wall

  -fsign=<value>        Define display sign representation
                        - ASCII or EBCDIC (Default : machine native)
  -ffold-copy=<value>   Fold COPY subject to value
                        - UPPER or LOWER (Default : no transformation)
  -ffold-call=<value>   Fold PROGRAM-ID, CALL, CANCEL subject to value
                        - UPPER or LOWER (Default : no transformation)
  -fdefaultbyte=<value> Initialize fields without VALUE to decimal value
                        - 0 to 255 (Default : initialize to picture)
  -fintrinsics=<value>  Intrinsics to be used without FUNCTION keyword
                        - ALL or intrinsic function name (,name,...)
  -ftrace               Generate trace code
                        - Executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH
  -ftraceall            Generate trace code
                        - Executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH/STATEMENTS
                        - Turned on by -debug
  -fsyntax-only         Syntax error checking only; don't emit any output
  -fdebugging-line      Enable debugging lines
                        - 'D' in indicator column or floating >>D
  -fsource-location     Generate source location code
                        - Turned on by -debug/-g/-ftraceall
  -fimplicit-init       Automatic initialization of the Cobol runtime system
  -fstack-check         PERFORM stack checking
                        - Turned on by -debug or -g
  -fsyntax-extension    Allow syntax extensions
                        - eg. Switch name SW1, etc.
  -fwrite-after         Use AFTER 1 for WRITE of LINE SEQUENTIAL
                        - Default : BEFORE 1
  -fmfcomment           '*' or '/' in column 1 treated as comment
                        - FIXED format only
  -fnotrunc             Allow numeric field overflow
                        - Non-ANSI behaviour
  -fodoslide            Adjust items following OCCURS DEPENDING
                        - Requires implicit/explicit relaxed syntax
  -fsingle-quote        Use a single quote (apostrophe) for QUOTE
                        - Default : double quote
  -frecursive-check     Check recursive program call
  -frelax-syntax        Relax syntax checking
                        - eg. REDEFINES position
  -foptional-file       Treat all files as OPTIONAL
                        - unless NOT OPTIONAL specified


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