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Re: Summary: [Fsfe-uk] TV show about copyright, the Internet and DRM

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: Summary: [Fsfe-uk] TV show about copyright, the Internet and DRM
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 07:27:07 +0100

"Shane M. Coughlan" <address@hidden>
> Thanks :)  I did pounce on Matt a bit.  I didn't like his "DRM is
> allowing consumers to access music in a better way."  His attempt to
> equate things like streaming music with DRM is just silly, and I took
> him to task on that connection.

One thing that does worry me is throwing the rights baby out with
the restrictions bathwater. In theory, rights management could
make it easier for free software supporters to adapt software and
keep all the licensing straight. So, I'm a bit uncomfortable with
talks about the GPLv3 technological measures preventions being
about DRM in general.

In practice, the only bit of DRM that is being pushed hard is the
restrictions side, so maybe it doesn't matter.

> [...] The producer told me to look at a certain
> point on a wall near the empty space on the sofa where Andrew was
> sitting.  I guess this was OK on close shots, but on a wide shot of all
> three of us it must have looked pretty strange. [...]

I thought it was more noticeable on close shots, but my eyes don't
work so well to notice eye detail on the group shots.

> It looks like I might get a call-back sometime in the future. [...]

Please, keep us posted!

MJ Ray - personal email, see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Work: http://www.ttllp.co.uk/  irc.oftc.net/slef  Jabber/SIP ask

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