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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Munich, swpat and Linux - possible in UK

From: Ralph Janke
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Munich, swpat and Linux - possible in UK
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 17:11:35 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Ian Lynch wrote:

SIMS admin systems are a bit of a special case. The Government is
supposed to be establishing a common format for all admin software
through a sort of mega pupil record system but I haven't heard what
progress there is at the moment. Its been in progress years. If we could
get an open and standard file sturcture for the data it would go a long
way to aleviating the SIMS monopoly. It would be best to campaign on
behalf of may be 3 issues for open standards in education

I believe you probably mean the PLASC system. All schools have to report around February their information into the PLASC system. However, there are some other smaller, specialised systems as well in which information is exchanged.

I believe the format is open. I have not seen a spec yet, but I haven't looked for it either. The information is transfered via XML files. Therefore the format could always very easily be reverse engineered.

However the accounting is now also done between the CIty Council and the Schools via information exchange. I haven't looked into those yet.

The OASIS file format for productivity tools
The exclusive use of open standards for web based learning A published and open data format and structure for reporting schools
administration infromation to LEAs and Central Government.

Thes are difficult to argue against and would go a long way to opening
things up to FLOSS.

As I understand MS is not coherent to OASIS. When will the government put pressure on the schools to move away from it ?

Everything helps. There is an incredible amount of ignorance in the
DfES. I think simple messages about open systems and promoting fair
competition might be a good angle with Governors since a lot won't
really understand all the technical issues but they can understand
simple concepts. eg MS have said they will only implement open file
format standards if customers demand it. Wel the DfES is a big customer
and it should be doing just that. Governors can put pressure on
Ministers to do the right thing. The more angles it comes from the

I think Governors can first put pressures on Headteachers since they must approve among other things the budget of the school. One thing that should help is the opening of the IT costs for the schools. When the governors start to see that more than 50-60% of the annual budget is wasted in license fees for proprietory software and a solution of no license cost software would be available as an alternative, many Governors might start to ask questions and deny budgets with such waste. The Ministers can probably only be pressured in the long run through the Governors network...

Ralph Janke

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