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Re: [ft] freetype build failing when flow-tools is present

From: Ryan Schmidt
Subject: Re: [ft] freetype build failing when flow-tools is present
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:58:08 -0500

On Apr 2, 2009, at 11:21, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

[...] is there a way that we can have FreeType look for its
ftconfig.h in the build directory anyway and not look to a possibly
wrong one in the directory given in CPPFLAGS?

Yes. You can change the `CFLAGS' variable as follows while calling `make':


Hmm. It just seems odd to me that I should have to tell freetype where its config file is, when it should already know this.

The failing compile line is:

libtool: compile: \
  /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 \
  -I/opt/local/include \
  -I./builds/unix \
  -I/opt/local/var/.../work/freetype-2.3.9/include \
  -c \
  -O2 \
  "-DFT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H=<ftconfig.h>" \
  "-DFT_CONFIG_MODULES_H=<ftmodule.h>" \
  -fno-common \
  -DPIC \
  -o /opt/local/var/.../work/freetype-2.3.9/objs/.libs/ftsystem.o

I see -I/opt/local/include is first, hence that's where ftconfig.h
is found first.  Perhaps that should be the last -I that's listed,
instead of the first?

I don't think so.  The idea of `CPPFLAGS' is to override other
preprocessor flags.

I see. So what you're saying is, freetype knows where its config file is, but by using CPPFLAGS in this way, we are telling freetype that we know better? I think we don't know better. :)

Should MacPorts be using a different mechanism, then? I'm not an expert at compiling things. Someone suggested we change CPPFLAGS="-I$ {prefix}/include" to CPPFLAGS="-isystem${prefix}/include", and this does seem to work, for freetype, so I committed that change yesterday, for freetype. Does that seem reasonable?

What we need in MacPorts is a way to tell all ports "When you need extra includes and libraries from other software, look for them in the following prefix before looking in /, /usr, and /usr/local." For some time we have been using CPPFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include" and LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib" to do this. Is this not a good way? We do not want these includes and libraries to override the ones being created by the package being built.

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