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[ft-devel] about (Re: I would draf

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: [ft-devel] about (Re: I would draft some documents to build SVG Native Viewer...)
Date: Fri, 17 May 2019 21:44:10 +0900
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My forked repository of SVG Native Viewer
, for the development of Cairo backend, has 2 important branches;
one is master, which is not changed from Adobe's original master branch,
another is cairo branch, which is my work-in-progress branch.
cairo branch is very frequently rebased to catch up to Adobe.

Within a few weeks, the "master" branch of my repository would be
changed for my own development, for continuous integration test.

I think nobody uses the master branch in my repository to refer
Adobe's original master, but if anybody does such accidentally,
please prepare yourself. Maybe add Adobe's repository as another
remote repository and change the upstream to it would help you.

Sorry for your inconvenience.


On 2019/05/12 0:05, Moazin Khatri wrote:
Dear Toshiya,
The current status of my document is like this:<>

Thank you very much Toshiya, most of the steps are exactly what I have tried 
yesterday. I just need to change the branch to chrome/m70. I'll try it and see 
how it goes. I'll also see if I can refine the document anytime soon! :)

Also, maybe by some accident, Skia backend is forcibly disabled
if the platform detected by cmake is not Apple. I tweaked these
issues by this changeset.<>

Yea, quite right. I made almost 90% of exactly the same changes to make it 
almost work (still the branch needs to be set to m70).

However, it is not sufficiently flexible. I hardwired the location
of libskia.

I think, it's good for now. Once we get it running and decide to use it in our 
project, we will refine it.

What's the status of your Cairo based rendering port? Is it as complete as the 
Skia based rendering port? If both are complete, which one would you prefer to 
be set as the default one for use with FreeType? and why?


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