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Re: [ft-devel] Patch to fix the ttsubpix implementation

From: Dmitry Timoshkov
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Patch to fix the ttsubpix implementation
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:03:54 +0800

Behdad Esfahbod <address@hidden> wrote:

> >> Guys, I'm not a hardcore C coder, and don't know about private RAM
> >> allocation per-process, and how that's impacted by putting structs
> >> inside of .c files instead of .h files.  Of course, I'm willing to
> >> understand why that's the case, I just don't necessarily know some
> >> of that stuff.  So, likely all code that I write is going to have
> >> the potential of being implemented more efficiently by people with
> >> more experience in coding.  I don't really want to burden you guys
> >> with "babying" me through the best way to implement code, but if you
> >> can nudge me in the right direction sometimes that would be helpful.
> If you have some time to read, this is a good place to start:

Reading that paper made my head hurt :) It's full of descriptions of
various tricks and jumps through the hoops how to avoid limitations of
dynamic libraries implementation under Linux which is based on old,
questionable and inefficient design. This really has nothing to do
with the problem David has fixed.


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