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Re: [ft-devel] FT_Init_FreeType allocating memory before I get a chance

From: Mickey Gabel
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] FT_Init_FreeType allocating memory before I get a chance to set the allocators.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 16:51:55 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

Werner LEMBERG wrote:
1) We have our own struct that contains both the ft library and an
   FT_Memory object.

2) We initialize the fields in the FT_Memory object so that our
   callbacks are called.

3) We call FT_New_Library and tell it to use our memory object.
   This is the first FT2 API call.

       // Initialize freetype2
       lib->ft_memory.alloc    = sf_FTalloc;
       lib->     = sf_FTfree;
       lib->ft_memory.realloc  = sf_FTrealloc;
       lib->ft_memory.user     = lib;
       ft_err = FT_New_Library( &lib->ft_memory, &lib->ft_lib );

I wonder whether this code from FT_Init_FreeType

  (*alibrary)->version_major = FREETYPE_MAJOR;
  (*alibrary)->version_minor = FREETYPE_MINOR;
  (*alibrary)->version_patch = FREETYPE_PATCH;

should be moved to FT_New_Library to make FT_Library_Version more

I suppose that you don't call FT_Init_FreeType at all if using
FT_New_Library, right?  Do you use FT_Add_Default_Modules to register
all modules or do you specify them directly with FT_Add_Modules?


Yes, we use FT_New_Library followed by FT_Add_Default_Modules.
The original plan was actually to add modules manually, but why do more work :D However, we have a custom build: our list of default modules is smaller than the regular one, and also we put our compiled objects and ft2 objects into the same static library. Therefore we may not encounter some of the issues other people do. For example, we don't care about freetype version, as we statically know what we are compiling.

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