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Re: [ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures

From: Deron Kazmaier
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 16:23:58 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)


First, sorry everyone about the two emails. I sent it from the wrong email address last night and since I did not see it come through I resent from the subscribed email address.

Thanks George for FontForge. A great work!

Hopefully I can glean enough to figure out what assumption(s) I incorrectly made. Apple's AAT docs seem obscure at best, and flat wrong at times. A quick look at your code at comments like:

   /* I used only to allocate space for info->glyph_cnt entries */
   /*  but some fonts use out of bounds gids as flags to contextual */
   /*  morx subtables, so allocate a full 65536 */

Makes me shudder ;-)

Thanks for the tip,


address@hidden wrote:
Quoting Deron Kazmaier <address@hidden>:

This is a bit off-topic, but I am trying to make heads or tails out of the mort table to be able to extract the ligatures. Or at least the ligatures that have no initial state. I've done something wrong in my code, but I just can't seem to put a finger on it. I've looked around to see if I could get a dump from someone else parser but I actually can't find any code out there that reads the table besides the gxvalid code in FreeType which doesn't seem to digest the tables in a fully functional way.
FontForge contains code which parses the mor[tx] table and extracts the
ligatures reachable from the start states.

If you just want to see the results, then open a font (containing a mor[tx]
table) with fontforge and look at
  Element->Font Info->Lookups->GSUB
and then double click on the one of the ligature entries.
(FF converts them into a more OpenType format internally, so you won't see a
state machine, just OT substitutions)

If you actually want to look at someone else's code, then the parser lives in
parsettfatt.c starting with readttf_mortx_lig (about line 3659)

(FontForge lives at )

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