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[ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures

From: Deron Kazmaier
Subject: [ft-devel] AAT mort ligatures
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:05:55 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)


This is a bit off-topic, but I am trying to make heads or tails out of
the mort table to be able to extract the ligatures. Or at least the
ligatures that have no initial state. I've done something wrong in my
code, but I just can't seem to put a finger on it. I've looked around to
see if I could get a dump from someone else parser but I actually can't
find any code out there that reads the table besides the gxvalid code in
FreeType which doesn't seem to digest the tables in a fully functional way.

I see that the old otlayout code has been preserved, but I don't see any
references to the old gxlayout (if it even existed). Does anyone know of
a project that supports AAT? I'm drawing blanks, which considering the
number of fonts installed on OS X that don't contain GSUB/GPOS tables
but do contain mort tables seems a shame. Is this something that no one
cares about any more?

Thanks for any clues,

Deron Kazmaier

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