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Re: [Devel] Even better Mac patch for gcc

From: Dan Williams
Subject: Re: [Devel] Even better Mac patch for gcc
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 15:27:54 -0500


If they seem to break anything on non-Mac builds, I will give it a try under FreeBSD 5.0 and modify the patch as necessary.


On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 06:48  AM, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:

At 09:29 AM 5/8/2003 +0200, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

> In the last Mac patch that I posted, I forgot that we need to add
> frameworks with -Xlinker so that they will get through libtool.  New
> patch, _supercedes_ all other patches I've posted today, attached
> that corrects this.

Leonard, can you handle this?  If you don't have time please drop a
note and I will install the patches (unreviewed of course since I
don't have/use a Mac).

Go ahead and put them in - I don't have the time right now to review, sorry :(.


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