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Re: [Firefly-dev] A few things....

From: firefly-dev
Subject: Re: [Firefly-dev] A few things....
Date: 10 Apr 2003 18:40:45 +0200

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 15:28, address@hidden wrote:
>Marco, how is the DB coming along? 

The "core" is almost complete, I need to finish the sql code and test
it. Code in cvs is a little old, yesterday due my connection I was
unable to commit...
I hope to finish for Sunday.

>Marco, I know that you where talking about adding some new folders to 
>firefly/test and if you have what has been results of testing that? 

I wanted to do that to test if a file based approach could be an
alternative to the db approach, but honestly, 
I think it's not a good idea to use files instead of db to store
informations, for lots of reasons.

>To everyone else, I have got alot of email about this being a Python project, 
>well it is more than that, we are currently useing Python, Perl, PostGreSQL, 
>and XML and maybe more to come. Keep up the good work guys(and gals if there 
>are any).

I'm going to draw a scheme of how this languages could be glued
together, this is just an idea however, I'll put it in the cvs tonight.


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