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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] migration notes: from emacs-wiki to muse

From: Phillip Lord
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] migration notes: from emacs-wiki to muse
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 15:36:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (windows-nt)

>>>>> "EM" == Evan MONROIG <address@hidden> writes:

  EM> - The extension ".muse" is nice if you have files other than
  EM>   planner files in the same directory, but it adds
  EM>   complexity. For example if you have a few plan pages like
  EM>   'Emacs' and 'EmacsTips', now you have to press "E <TAB>
  EM>   . <TAB> <Enter" to in the mini-buffer to find the 'Emacs'
  EM>   page, instead of "E <TAB> <Enter>".

But if you have a file called, say "Makefile", in a muse directory, it
all gets very complicated. 

Have you tried ido.el. For instance, to complete Emacs or EmacsTips,
you can use substring (so "T <Enter>" may well complete to
EmacsTips). I've completely hooked on ido.el.


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