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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] wiki-project

From: TC
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] wiki-project
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 09:16:56 -0600

> But how do I create another wiki project to switch to?

In your setup files, by fiddling with the lisp variable

Here's an example.  It sets up three projects, with files in
~/public_html/MainProject, ~/public_html/AnotherProject, and
~/public_html/ProjectNumberThree. Wiki files within those directories
are published, respectively, to ~/public_html/mainproject,
~/public_html/anotherproject, and ~/public_html/projectnumberthree.

(Following Sacha, I try to keep everything, published files and source,
inside my public_html so that interested web readers can compare the
original source files with the published html)

Anyway, lisp snippetry follows:

(setq emacs-wiki-projects
        ("MainProject" .
         ((emacs-wiki-directories           . ("~/public_html/MainProject"))
          (emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix . "../mainproject/")
          (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory  . "~/public_html/mainproject")))
        ("AnotherProject" .
         ((emacs-wiki-directories           .
          (emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix . "../anotherproject/")
          (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory  .
        ("ProjectNumberThree" .
         ((emacs-wiki-directories           .
          (emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix . "../projectnumberthree/")
          (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory  .

If you invoked that, then provided you are already in a buffer of a file
within any of the three emacs-wiki-directories, hitting C-c C-v should
allow you to switch to any of the three projects. C-c C-p within any of
them will publish that particular projects files.


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