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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Different Planner projects

From: Brent Goodrick
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Different Planner projects
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 16:56:56 -0800

Hi Volker,

Your question is not stupid.  That is the one of the first things I
wanted to do with the planner mode, because I have the need to
separate my planner directory that I have for my notes at work from
those I keep on my home machine.  I used the planner-option-customized
function defined in planner.el somewhat like this:

        (planner-option-customized 'planner-directory "~/Plans/Home" )
        (planner-option-customized 'planner-publishing-directory 

I arrange for it to be executed differently when I'm at work:

        (planner-option-customized 'planner-directory "~/Plans/Work" )
        (planner-option-customized 'planner-publishing-directory 

Now, in your case, you could have multiple sets of directories, but to
switch between them you would make similar calls to
planner-option-customized above.  Perhaps you could have separate
functions for each, keyed by name (I've not executed this, its just an

(defun bg-planner-switch-project (project-name)
  "Switches planner and publishing directories for PROJECT-NAME."
  (interactive "sProject Name: ")
  (planner-option-customized 'planner-directory (concat "~/Plans/" 
  (planner-option-customized 'planner-publishing-directory (concat 
"~/public_html/Plans/" project-name))


>>>>> "Volker" == Volker Dormeyer <address@hidden> writes:

Volker> Hello,
Volker> Maybe, the question is stupid, but I'm new to planner.el.

Volker> Is it possible to have different Planner projects in a way like the
Volker> emacs-wiki projects with different Wiki- and publishing-directories?

Volker> It could be useful for me, to use one planner location for real planning
Volker> and another one for testing, blogging, etc.

Volker> Thanks,
Volker> Volker

Volker> _______________________________________________
Volker> emacs-wiki-discuss mailing list
Volker> address@hidden
Volker> http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-wiki-discuss

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