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batch-update-autoloads / update-directory-autoloads problem

From: David Reitter
Subject: batch-update-autoloads / update-directory-autoloads problem
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 19:16:53 +0000

This may just be a problem with some external package, or with `update-directory-autoloads', which uses `source-directory' to determine the autoloads file, which it shouldn't do if the function is to be used outside of the Emacs build process.

In his case, the directory in source-directory does not exist because the binary is not run on the machine that Emacs was compiled on.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christian Lynbech <address@hidden>
Date: 25 February 2007 16:23:04 GMT
To: Development of Aquamacs Emacs <address@hidden>
Subject: [Aquamacs-devel] batch-update-autoloads problem
Reply-To: Development of Aquamacs Emacs <address@hidden>

I am trying to install a package (LiveJournal emacs client) that calls
upon `batch-update-autoloads' to generate the package specific
autoloads. However, it bails out with the error below.

For the experiment, I have first set this:

    (setq generated-autoload-file "ljupdate.el"
          command-line-args-left '("."))

but as witnessed by the error below, it talks about an ljupdate.el
inside of "/Users/dr" which I would guess refers to Davids
userid. There is no abvious setting inside of autoload.el itself
reflecting the problem.

Changing the value of `generated-autoload-file' to an absolute path
circumvented the problem but this is not how the makefile in question
was written, so I think this should be fixed.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Opening output file" "no such file or directory" "/Users/dr/Aquamacs/emacs/lisp/ ljupdate.el") write-region(";;; ljupdate.el --- automatically extracted autoloads\n;;\n;;; Code:\n\n\f\n;; Local Variables:\n;; version- control: never\n;; no-byte-compile: t\n;; no-update-autoloads: t \n;; End:\n;;; ljupdate.el ends here\n" nil "/Users/dr/Aquamacs/ emacs/lisp/ljupdate.el") autoload-ensure-default-file("/Users/dr/Aquamacs/emacs/lisp/ ljupdate.el") update-directory-autoloads("/Users/clynbech/Tools/UPSTREAM/ ljupdate/") apply(update-directory-autoloads "/Users/clynbech/Tools/ UPSTREAM/ljupdate/")
      eval-expression((batch-update-autoloads) nil)

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