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[emacs-pms] Dir-style package symbols

From: Tom Breton (Tehom)
Subject: [emacs-pms] Dir-style package symbols
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:26:57 -0500
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.21

As we all know, one quirk of elisp is that everything lives in the same
namespace.  We work around that with prefixes and so forth.  But still it
constricts what we can do with packages.  It probably contributes to the
practice of large single-file packages.

You may dismiss this as a case of CPAN-envy if you like, but what I do is
to give sublibraries names like `emtest/common/testral-types' or
`emtest/common/persist'.  I just tell load-path the root of that tree. 
Emacs finds them without a problem, and I cleared this with the emacs-dev
list.  I've said more about this in the blog a while back,

Then I give all the symbols in the package a clumpier unique prefix, like
`emdb:'.  That way they both are unique and relate to an expressive name.

I find it gives me a lot more freedom to package things as I want to
instead of in one big file.

Tom Breton (Tehom)

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