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Re: In support of Jonas Bernoulli's Magit

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: In support of Jonas Bernoulli's Magit
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2017 09:57:26 +0300

> From: address@hidden (Phillip Lord)
> Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 23:08:52 +0100
> Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden, Ken Manheimer <address@hidden>,
>       address@hidden
> So, we can all bitch about the process; here is a suggestion to improve
> things using current software that we already use -- debbugs, installed
> with non-public archives which I presume it can do.
> 1) Get list of all contributors/contributor emails
> 2) Email assign with full list to find out who needs doing
> 3) Email each person with new debugs ticket
> 4) One of:
>      address@hidden cc's electronic communication to debbugs
>      address@hidden acknowledges paper communication *in either direction*
>      to debbugs. assign would probably need to attach an ID number to
>      outgoing assignment forms.

There's no need to rely on the FSF assignment clerk for tracking this
process: you can ask me to do that instead.  I see all the steps of
this process in my email inbox anyway, whether I want it or not.

In general, people who bump into bureaucratic impediments related to
GNU or FSF should ask for help.  Making this better/easier is part of
my and John's duties, and we have access to resources others don't.
You shouldn't need to try to solve these problems alone.

> If you will get someone to set up debbugs to support this, help with
> using it, and get address@hidden to buy into the process, I will test it out
> with the new assignments need to update dash. If you and GNU are bought
> into improving the process, we can refine the details overtime.

FWIW, I don't want this to be handled via debbugs, as debbugs is
terribly unhelpful in little things that sometimes just make me mad.
Having to cope with it for handling bug reports is bad enough.

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