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[RFC] refactoring DEFUN

From: Dmitry Antipov
Subject: [RFC] refactoring DEFUN
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 15:56:29 +0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130307 Thunderbird/17.0.4

Although C preprocessor can't transform the text too much, it's
still possible to use concatenation to avoid silly typing like:

DEFUN ("foo", Ffoo, Sfoo, ...)

and use:

DEFUN ("foo", foo, ...)

instead. The core change is simple, but the obvious rest is ~450K
uncompressed (99.9% was generated by elisp program, BTW).


Attachment: refactor_DEFUN_core.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: refactor_DEFUN_rest.patch.xz
Description: application/xz

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