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Re: Call for Partners -> Linux in Youthwork

From: Christian Selig
Subject: Re: Call for Partners -> Linux in Youthwork
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:56:27 +0100
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Hello Andrea, *,

amayr wrote:

Generally, i think, that there is the need to discuss the issue of using
"Linux in Youthwork", because the basic conditions in this field of social
work is definitely specific and need to be addressed and evaluated

Could you give a summary what the essential differences between school and youthwork computer usage are? What are specific advantages of GNU/Linux and Free Software when used in youthwork? Though the FSFE project on education intends to cover the whole educational field, we have AFAIK nobody familiar with youthwork. If you could give us some insight, we can take more care of that field, and it might be another field of opportunity for the Free Software community.

Well, talking to my national agency for guidance through the
application i got told today, that the background institutions of the
participants need to be strictly related to youthwork; universities are
definitely not defined to be within this field. as there are lots of
people from universities who would like to apply, this is a pretty bad

There are still solutions to go through this, but in general it verifies
my experience that EU applications are hard to combine with free software
related issues. [allthough, i wish, i am wrong in this]

Some institutions of the European Union have become more open to the idea of Free Software, though not all of them fully understand it. Some are simply ignorant. So ... it all depends.

Have fun,
  Christian Selig

I am chaos.  I am the substance from which your artists and scientists
build rhythms.  I am the spirit with which your children and clowns
laugh in happy anarchy.  I am chaos. I am alive, and tell you that you
are free. - Eris, Goddess Of Chaos, Discord & Confusion

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