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Re: One small thing about application names.... :)

From: oberhage
Subject: Re: One small thing about application names.... :)
Date: 18 Mar 2003 11:18:55 GMT
User-agent: tin/1.4.6-20020816 ("Aerials") (UNIX) (AIX/4-3)

Pascal Bourguignon <pjb@informatimago.com> wrote:

: Gregory Casamento writes:
:> All,
:> I would like to suggest one small thing to the community.   Could
:> we, as a group, possibly avoid application names which begin with a
:> gratuitous "G" or "GS"?  Although I am VERY excited to see all of
:> the new GNUstep applications being announced, I'm a little
:> disappointed at the names which are usually of the form:
:> G*.app or
:> GS*.app
:> [...]

: But, for  the same reason, user applications  should avoid gratuituous
: GS* names,  since they're  actually OpenStep applications  rather than
: specifically  GNUstep applications,  in general.

On the other hand I would really like to have a distinguishing part
in the name to be able to tell the difference to a 'mere' X11-application
or such. See how good the 'Terminal'-Application is burried in the Debian
package tree. When you don't know it's there ...
Something to 'browse' for in a tree would be very nice.

Should all these applications maybe end in '.app' (e.g. Terminal.app)?
That would certainly be such a differentiating mark.

Thanks and greetings,
 Ruediger Oberhage
H.-R. Oberhage
Mail: Univ. Essen                E-Mail: oberhage@Uni-Essen.DE
      Fachbereich 7 (Physik)             ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE
      S05 V07 E88
      Universitaetsstrasse 5     Phone:  (+49) 201 / 183-2493
      45141 Essen, Germany       FAX:    (+49) 201 / 183-4578

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