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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] 3.7 build failure ICE_ICESTORM-NOTFOUND etc.

From: Tom Rondeau
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] 3.7 build failure ICE_ICESTORM-NOTFOUND etc.
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:16:16 -0400

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 7:17 AM, Barry Jackson <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 20/07/13 15:11, Tom Rondeau wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Barry Jackson <address@hidden>
>> wrote:
>>> On 18/07/13 15:19, Tom Rondeau wrote:
>>>> Do you know what version of ICE is installed on your system? GNU Radio
>>>> explicitly looks for version 3.4, so if you're using 3.5 it won't work
>>>> by default. I've tested and compiled against 3.5, though, so it's only
>>>> the cmake FindICE script that's the problem.
>>>> Also, ticket #564 is about faulty ICE detection, so this could also be
>>>> a problem with your system. I hope to work on this soon to resolve
>>>> that issue and make it easier to use either 3.4 or 3.5.
>>>> Tom
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> Ice version is 3.4.2.
>>> Yes, #564 does look like the same issue except that it is reported on OSX
>>> where I am seeing it in Linux.
>> Barry,
>> I just pushed branch 'cmake_ice' to my github repo
>> (github.com/trondeau/gnuradio). It does a better job of handling ICE,
>> the include dirs, and the required libs. It also adds the ability to
>> use Ice 3.5, which isn't important for you, though.
>> Could you check out this branch and give it a try? I'd like to know
>> how it works on other machines besides those which I've already gotten
>> things to work.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
> Tom,
> No real change with your cmake_ice branch.
> -- Configuring gnuradio-runtime support...
> --   Dependency Boost_FOUND = 1
> --   Dependency ENABLE_VOLK = ON
> --   Enabling gnuradio-runtime support.
> --   package 'Ice-3.5' not found
> -- ICE 3.5 not found. Looking for 3.4
> --   package 'Ice-3.4' not found
> --
> -- Configuring gr-ctrlport support...
> --   Dependency Boost_FOUND = 1
> --   Dependency SWIG_FOUND = TRUE
> --   Dependency SWIG_VERSION_CHECK = TRUE
> --   Dependency ICE_FOUND =
> --   Disabling gr-ctrlport support.

Actually, it worked. This is now exactly what I had hoped to see. The
new cmake FindICE files look for everything that's needed to compile
ControlPort: the include directories, libIce, libeIceUtil, and the the
Python Ice module. If not all of these are found, it disables

The problem you had before was that it was "finding" everything, but
not really. So it enabled gr-ctrlport and cause a problem during make.

> I looked at our Ice package spec and noticed that all the .pc files have
> been packaged in ice-csharp-devel, which I think is wrong, however
> installing that package as well makes no difference.

Yes. We don't care about C# at all. You'll need Ice for C++ and Python.

> Looking in /usr/lib64/pkgconfig I find ice.pc AND Ice.pc
> I initially thought that one would be a symlink to the other, but they are
> different.
> ice.pc is 1.0.8
> Ice.pc is 3.4.2
> ice.pc
> ----------------------
> prefix=/usr
> exec_prefix=/usr
> libdir=/usr/lib64
> includedir=/usr/include
> Name: ICE
> Description: X Inter Client Exchange Library
> Version: 1.0.8
> Requires: xproto
> Cflags: -I${includedir}
> Libs: -L${libdir} -lICE
> ----------------------
> Ice.pc:
> ----------------------
> version = 3.4.2
> mono_root = /usr
> name = Ice
> Name: ${name}
> Description: Ice core run-time support
> Version: ${version}
> Libs: -r:${mono_root}/lib64/mono/${name}/${name}.dll
> ----------------------
> Maybe this helps?
> Barry

What I'm used to seeing is a file Ice-3.4.pc, which is what the
pkg-config script in cmake is explicitly looking for. I'm completely
unfamiliar with Mageia as a distro, so you'll have to look to see what
packages you need to install for Ice support. Remember, in the end,
you'll need libIce.so, libIceUtil.so, the header files, and the
Pythong Ice module installed.

You can also use the ICE_MANUAL_INSTALL_PREFIX to point cmake to where
your Ice installations are, which works even if you don't have a .pc
file. When compiling and installing Ice 3.5.0 for my machine, there's
not pc file with this, but cmake still finds everything, anyways.


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