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[Denemo-devel] Inserting text with circle

From: rshann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Inserting text with circle
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:47:40 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.7.4

My email access doesn't allow me to answer this properly, and I don't have access to Denemo
at the moment. But some comments:
Arbitrary text was just intended for text, not for inserting LilyPond, it accidentally worked
for inserting \circle but as you observe it doesn't now.
Insert LilyPond *is* intended for inserting arbitrary chunks of LilyPond directly into the output that Denemo gives to the LilyPond typesetter. You should have been able to delete the result of this command by several methods, but I can't be more specific without a working Denemo or
a more functional memory :)
It looks like you should be able to get what you want with Insert LilyPond by giving

^\markup \circle "A"

in the text input box.


Hi. I think I found more problems:

> I imported a score i created with 0.9.3, which had '\circle "A"' inserted by
> means of Notes/Rests -> Markings -> Arbitrary Text

When I try to create my circled letters in the new git build (1.0.9) (to mark the beginnings of sections), I get an "invalid lilypond" error in the typeset music window. I add '\circle "A"' (without the single quotes), using "add
arbitrary text" command.

However, as before, when I add '\circle "A"', by means of "add arbitrary text" in the 0.9.3 versions; everything is a-okay. My circled A, B, and C are rendered
correctly by lilypond.

There is a vast difference in the xml files, that result from the command —
between the 0.9.3 version and the 1.0.9 version.

Here is the XML that's generated for a 0.9.3 *.denemo file, with the above, and
it's functional and good:

<postfix>^\markup \circle "A" </postfix>
<display>\circle "A"</display>

And here's the bad one, with the 1.0.9, inserted as "arbitrary text":

<postfix>^\markup { \override #'(line-width . 40) \wordwrap-string #"\circle
<display>\circle "C"</display>



(1) When I import an old 0.9.3 .denemo file into 1.0.9, the XML for the above
stays the same (and is lilypond-rendered correctly, in 1.0.9 !)

(2) Though I'm using the same command (at least, with the same name), the
dilogues are different between the two versions.  In the old one it's a
one-liner dialogue, whereas in  1.0.9 you can enter multiple lines.

(3) I tried using other insertion command which sound like they might do the trick, but failed miserably. In 1.0.9, I did "Insert Lilypond" and added '\circle "A"', and THAT broke the typeset music window also (such that I couldn't delete it! had to texzt-edit the xml file to remove it !) I tried some
other insertion, too (can't remember which, right now)

thanks again!

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