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Re: [Demexp-dev] Questions

From: Lyu Abe
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Questions
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:06:00 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Hi David,

I'd like to know how I can retrieve questions, answers, votes, etc. I
tried to use the "question_info" method, but I do not understand the
server's reply because I only got a int value.

No, the question_info() method returns a quite complex data
structure. Here is part of its XDR (ONC-RPC) description:

Okay, let's consider a simpler case. What about the max_question_id(cookie) function? The return value is of type:

struct max_question_id_return_t
    return_code_t max_question_id_rc;
    question_id_t max_question_id;

containing only a return code and the actual maximum question identifier on the server.

So what I do in PHP is:
1/ Generate the properly formatted message to send to the server:
$message = xmlrpcmsg("max_question_id", $cookie);

2/ Send the message...
$xmlrpc_res = $server->send($message);

... but here my $xmlrpc_res value has no particular type. Should I declare it as an array on the base of the max_question_id_return_t structure?

Diogene suggested to me to take a look at Augustin's code under Dupral (link or location?).

        Lyu ABE

struct response_t {
  response_desc_t r_info_desc;
  external_link_t r_info_link;

enum question_status_e { tagging_only = 1, public = 2 };

struct question_t {
  _int32 int q_timestamp;
  question_id_t q_id;
  question_desc_t q_desc;
  date_t q_info_limit_date; /* if set to zero, there is no limit date */
  question_status_e q_info_status;
  response_t q_info_responses<MAX_NUMBER_RESPONSES>;
  int q_info_num_votes;
  int q_info_elected_responses<MAX_NUMBER_RESPONSES>;

struct question_info_return_t {
  return_code_t question_info_rc;
  question_t question_info<MAX_NUMBER_IDS>;

Roughly speaking, you have a basic structure (question_info_return_t)
that contains a return code (question_info_rc) and an array of question
information (question_info). Each entry of the `question_info' array is
a structure (question_t) that contains the question timestamp, its id,
its description, etc.

question_info() is probably not the simplest RPC to start with. Maybe
Diogene might help you on this.

My question is not "What am I doing wrong?", but rather "How to properly
do that?".

Without some code, it is quite difficult to answer such a question.


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