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Re: [Demexp-dev] Joyfully marching towards OCaml Summer and running stra

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Joyfully marching towards OCaml Summer and running strainght into the Big Wall of Fear
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:09:11 +0100

Hello Ketty,

2007/2/12, ketty <address@hidden>:
I have bad news about ocaml summer. i am suddenly very scared by it.
it is so far away in the future and so long, i don't longer feel
comfortable making a commitment like that.

As Félix and Frédéric said, no worry. Everybody is free to define his
own commitment to demexp.

this is partly because in a
very short amount of time has recieved two unrelated
proposals for votingsystems (the first was not opensource though, and
i don't know about the technical quality of the second compared to
demexp yet).

What is the name of the second, open-sourced, one?

Best wishes,

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