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Re: [bug-grep] Boyer Moore overflow patch

From: Julian Foad
Subject: Re: [bug-grep] Boyer Moore overflow patch
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:28:43 +0100
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Paul Eggert wrote:
Julian Foad <address@hidden> writes:
+        Moo that's not _that_ easy; you have to avoid an overflow. */


Heh! I also wondered what that was, and assumed it was some expression like the "Boy" in the previous sentence. I'll write my own version of that comment.

      for (i = 0; i < kwset->mind; ++i)
-       delta[(unsigned char) kwset->target[i]] = kwset->mind - (i + 1);
+       delta[(unsigned char) kwset->target[i]] =
+         MIN(kwset->mind - (i + 1), UCHAR_MAX);

There should be a space after the "MIN".  (This is the style
recommended by the GNU coding standards.)

The style used in this source file is (almost consistently) no space between a function or macro name and its opening parenthesis, so that's what should be done in any patch to this file.

What we ought to do about the code layout style globally is not relevant to this thread.

Thanks for the comments, though.

- Julian

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