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Logging My Stupidity?

From: thoran
Subject: Logging My Stupidity?
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 17:27:14 +1000


The installer is a vast improvement.  I installed GNUstep under FreeBSD
using their ports OK and previously considered installing each part of
GNUstep at a time, but it looked a bit too hairy.  It would still be
nicer if there was greater automation, perhaps by way of installing
dependencies rather than merely reporting them missing.  OK, I'm lazy!  

For instance, I downloaded and compiled gcc 4.0.2 from FSF, as well as
several other libraries (using Darwin Ports) for this exercise, but I'd
prefer it if the installer knew what to get, from where, and what to
with it.  Also some of the port-installed libraries were not found. 
Does Fink do any better?  It would be good if one of the packagers did a
meta-package of GNUstep for OSX...  

And I'd be happy to make either an OpenDarwin or other installer for
MacOSX, since this hybrid GUI is really starting to give the me
@#$%%^&*)@!%& and only after a week.  I'm a looooooooong time NeXTstep
user and I can't believe the stupid mistakes in UI design they've made. 
I'm not so concerned about the colours or shapes (though there are some
problems there too), so much as some of the introduced inconsistencies,
location, and UI behaviour changes.  

Anyhow, any help would be appreciated.  



P.S. I'm considering writing a shell-based bootstrapper for rake to do
the installer management.  What do you reckon?  

Attachment: logs.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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