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Re: [Bug-gnubg] documentation: website favicon

From: Alef Rosenbaum
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] documentation: website favicon
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 15:17:26 +0100

I've made three different 16x16 pixel favicons:

1) Image of the Gnu's head alone
2) Smaller Gnu head and tiny text "gnubg"
3) Just text "GNU Bg" across two lines

What do people prefer? General thoughts on using these little icons?

No 1. But what about taking the dice for the favicon? One in green, one
in yellow.



I've added three more potential favicons:

4) Smaller Gnu head with one green point and one yellow point
5) Dice in green
6) Dice with one green and one yellow

The yellow is a bit of a problem as it doesn't stand out much on its own. If people like using dice then which numbers should we use? Achim has 31 on the current site, clearly the best opening. I rather like 41 as this roll offers a major choice in the opening which the bots seem to disagree about.

My own preference is the all green dice. I've based these on precision dice I once draw for a possible FIBS logo:

But if the dice are popular here then it's probably best to make them more square and opaque as the translucent rounded quality doesn't work at this small scale.


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