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Re: [be] Bibledit-Web 1.2 released

From: Tim Beckedorf
Subject: Re: [be] Bibledit-Web 1.2 released
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 15:39:06 +0200


I just installed Bibledit-Web 1.2 and it looks great! I love the workbench, however I have a question about the display of the workbench in Firefox. When I open the workbench with the default settings in Safari, I get a full screen of one row of three columns, beautiful. However, when I open the same in Firefox, I see one row of three columns but the row height is about 1/4 of the screen so there is a scroll button on each of the columns. Any ideas where I should look in Firefox to get the display for the whole screen? I've tinkered with the workbench settings but can't get the row height to change, so I've concluded it is a Firefox issue.



On Oct 14, 2013, at 7:36 AM, Teus Benschop wrote:

Bibledit-Web 1.2 has been released.

Bibledit-Web is a tool for online Bible translation.


The tool to remove duplicate consultation notes was renamed to "Clean Consultation Notes".
The tool to clean the consultation notes converts the note summaries to clean text.
Users can opt for having their personal change proposals visible among the Change Notifications online.
The logbook shows for which day of the month the sprint history gets updated.
The clickable elements of the Navigator have titles that show up if the mouse hovers over the links.
The Navigator has a link ↶ for going back in the navigation history, and a link ↷ for going forward.
The Navigator responds to the Alt-Left arrow key press by going back. Alt-Right goes forward.
Personal change proposals are marked with ☺ in the change notifications, and changes in the team's Bible are marked with ♺.
Automatically remove personal change proposals and their matching change notifications.
Updated information about typesetting.
Some bugs in the styles editor were fixed.
The sprint burndown chart gives the business days only, so the graph is smoother and more realistic.
The Spint page uses completion categories for the tasks instead of percentages.
The Sprint page focuses the entry for adding new tasks when a new task has just been added.
Export to e-Sword now also works with Bibles that have spaces in their names.
Compresses USFM files to a zip file during export.
Fix: Uploading a zipped file with USFM files imports the USFM files.
The table for storing Bible data in the database was optimized for better performance.
Pages not found redirect to the home page.
Bibledit-Web now has its own repository and project hosted at
Bibledit-Web now has its own wiki at
The yellow highlighting no longer affects the capitalization of the search results.
A default external resource has been added that displays the Elberfelder Bibel from
Recognizes Roman numerals like I, II and III in book names.
Workbench to display internal and/or external pages side by side.
Selectable workbench configurations.
The user can view all the change notifications, only the personal ones, or only the team ones.
All pages use jQuery.
The Navigator has moved to the top bar.
Bibledit-Web processes running for more than five hours get killed as they are considered stuck.
Edit two or more Bibles simultaneously side by side in a workbench.
The interlinear Bible from has been added to the Resources.
Requires program "tidy".
The text of the Dutch Statenbijbel has been added to the Resources.
The Resources include the Dutch Statenbijbel Plus: The canonical text, plus headers, introductions, cross references, and notes.
Clicking passages on some Resources navigates to that passage.
Clicking a passage in the Change Notificatons navigates to that passage.
Two new resources: King James Version with only canonical text, and one with all the headers, introductions, cross references, and notes as well.
The notes editor has some preset selections to be activated from the URL.
Activating notes from the change notifications opens the notes in an existing note editor if available, else in a new tab in the browser.
The USFM editor saves the text more reliably at page unload.

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