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[avrdude-dev] ATmega162 support + one minor issue

From: Stephan Eisvogel
Subject: [avrdude-dev] ATmega162 support + one minor issue
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 01:25:52 +0200

Hi folks,

Below is a brief snippet from my avrdude.conf that I use to program my
ATmega162s.  First  I used the datasheet program timing parameters but
those  were too short to allow for successful flashing. That's why the
wait  delays are 16 ms and not those specified in the data sheets. I'm
pretty  sure that 10 ms would do the trick, so the rest is headroom in
case the chip is even slower than expected.

Disclaimer:  Peer-review  necessary. As usual no warranty for anything
you  use  that I produced or modified, if it blows up your house kills
the dog yada yada you know what I mean. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

In  addition  I  want  to  add  that I'm using my own compiled version
(Cygwin  1.3.22,  4.1.0-cvs  from  3 days ago) and I've seen a problem
when  I try to read an empty chip, the raw binary output file stays at
size 0. I don't have time to search the source to spot the location of
this peculiar bug/feature, sorry.

Everything  else  appears to work as expected, kudos to the developers
for creating this useful piece of software.

Best regards,

Attachment: atmega162.txt
Description: Text document

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