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Re: [avr-libc-dev] [RFC] New eeprom.h

From: Rick Altherr
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] [RFC] New eeprom.h
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:24:30 -0800

On Feb 28, 2008, at 7:54 PM, Shaun Jackman wrote:

Well, your suggestion would solve the code size issue, but the
function wouldn't be particularly fast if all the EEPROM register
accesses were indirectly addressed. In most applications, EEPROM
writes aren't usually time critical; although I can imagine that
exceptions exist.

Do the EEPROM registers always fall in the same locations from a
single base offset address?


On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Rick Altherr <address@hidden> wrote:
Well, it would require one function per unique EEPROM register
location.  In fact, even that isn't true.  It requires one function
per unique code sequence required.  The register locations could be
arguments to the function that are supplied in the header's generic

Having finally looked at the header Eric sent out, it seems there are 2 issues: - If E2END > 0xFF, the EEARH register needs to be used for accessing the EEPROM - EEARL and EEARH seem to have 2 different memory locations depending on the device

The 1st can be resolved by either making the routines do this conditionally inside one unified routine or by having separate byte and word access routines. Eric seems to have taken the second approach which is perfectly fine by me.

The 2nd means that references to EEARL and EEARH when the library is compiled will cause it to invariably use the wrong location for at least subset of devices. Having the compiled function take addresses as arguments would resolve that but introduces either 1 or 2 indirect stores. Looking at the mega8 datasheet (it was handy), it looks like in and out instructions take 1 cycle. Indirect loads and stores take 2.

If we stuck with separate word and byte access routines, then we'd minimize the additional cycles added. Here's the breakdown:

__eeprom_read_byte_address_byte() would get 5 additional cycles:
  - EEARL out (1) => st (2)
  - EEDR in (1) => ld (2)
  - EECR sbi (2) => ld (2), sbr (1), st (2)

__eeprom_read_byte_address_word() would get 6 additional cycles:
  - EEARH out (1) => st (2)
  - EEARL out (1) => st (2)
  - EEDR in (1) => ld (2)
  - EECR sbi (2) => ld (2), sbr (1), st (2)

__eeprom_write_byte_address_byte() would get 3 additional cycles
  - EEARL out (1) => st (2)
  - EEDR out (1) => st (2)
  - EECR sbi (2), sbi (2) => ld (2), andi (1), st (2)

__eeprom_write_byte_address_word() would get 4 additional cycles
  - EEARH out (1) => st (2)
  - EEARL out (1) => st (2)
  - EEDR out (1) => st (2)
  - EECR sbi (2), sbi (2) => ld (2), andi (1), st (2)

For the multibyte reads and writes, just multiply the additional cycles by the number of bytes. There probably would also be a few more cycles burned dealing with the additional arguments.

All in all, we aren't trading that many cycles for code size, but it could go either way. If a program only used the eeprom functions in one particular location, inlining has no real penalty.

There might be an intermediate ground where the core functionality could be written as a set of inline functions. The library code could just make a non-inline function that calls the inline routine. In the header, we could then provide 2 sets of API: one set of inline functions that call the internal routine and a set of macros that call the non-inline function. That should allow the end user to choose between code size and speed.

Personally, I'd go for code size over speed. Unless someone is writing a program that is using the EEPROM on an interrupt handler that is being triggered very quickly, they won't really notice. If they are in that position, they can always crib the code and streamline it.

If anyone is interested in the 2 API version, I could probably whip something up fairly quickly. I might even have time to do it on Sunday.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
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