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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-g++ local variable constructor / block body / des

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-g++ local variable constructor / block body / destructor execution order
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 15:42:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Oleksandr Redchuk wrote:
Is this "overoptimization" bug or not?

I'm not really an expert in this, but I think it is a valid optimisation. Access to SREG is volatile, so the compiler cannot change or re-order accesses, but it is free to re-arrange access to other (non-volatile) data around it. Although the "crit_sect" object exists *logically* until after the returned expression is evaluated, and therefore *logically* should be destructed between reading "counter" and executing the return, the compiler is free to re-organise the non-volatile code. Since the "crit_sect" object is not accessed later on, it may be destructed immediately as long as volatile accesses are preserved. Similarly, if you have multiple objects being constructed or destructed, their ordering is *not* guaranteed by the compiler - all you are guaranteed is that the code will act as though they followed the order given, based on what the compiler knows of the code.

The solution, as far as I can see, is to either make "counter" a volatile (which may lead to extra code in other places), or to introduce a memory block which forces the compiler to synchronise accesses to memory before and after the block using asm("" ::: "memory")

inline uint32_t get_counter() {
        crit_sect cs;
        uint32_t x = counter;
        asm volatile("" : : : "memory");
        return x;



#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

class crit_sect
    crit_sect() : _sreg( SREG ) { cli(); }
    ~crit_sect() { SREG = _sreg; }
    uint8_t _sreg;

uint32_t counter;

inline uint32_t get_counter() { crit_sect cs; return counter; }

uint16_t get_cnt_low() {  return (uint16_t)get_counter(); }

uint32_t get_delta(uint32_t start) { return get_counter() - start; }

gcc 4.1.2 (WinAVR-20070525) and 4.2.0 both produces code like this:

        in r24,95-0x20
        out 95-0x20,r24
        lds r24,counter
        lds r25,(counter)+1

~crit_sect() executed *before* counter reading in both get_cnt_low()
and get_delta()
(full listings attached).
Optimization level does'nt matter. -Os, -O1..-O3

gcc 3.4.6 produces not so "efficient" code but with right sequence -

crit_sect constructor
counter reading
crit_sect destructor
read value utilization

    volatile uint32_t counter;
gcc 4.x produces expected code, but, I think, "volatile" is not
required in this code.

destructor *must* be executed at end of block,
*after* variable reading, either volatile variable or not.

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