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Re: [avr-gcc-list] light up and led

From: Daniel Mayo
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] light up and led
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 16:56:17 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

A hardware clock is different than a hardware timer.
Look at the datasheet for the AVR you are using. The hardware timer is built into the AVR, and if all you want to do is flash an LED, like the previous poster wrote, you would find that it's really easy to place such a routine in a timer function of a controller. (of course, if all you want to do is flash an led, and that's it, sure a hardware solution alone would be much easier and cheaper).


Timothy Smith wrote:

Joerg Wunsch wrote:

Patrick Blanchard <address@hidden> wrote:

Yes, use a hardware timer. ;-)  ...

Otherwise, have a look at the functions in <avr/delay.h>.

FWIW using the delay.h made more sense for me; easier code to

It eats up your CPU.  Even if you don't have any other work for your
CPU while waiting, with a hardware timer, you could at least reduce
the overall power consumption by putting the CPU to sleep.

Sure, for really short delays, a spin-loop makes sense, but when
you want your LED to blink, just use it as a good example to get
acquainted with hardware timers (even though obviously, conserving
energy isn't the most important feature of a LED blinker ;-).

It's for some reason that even the very simple demo.c that accompanies
avr-libc uses a hardware timer.

ok, my controller board has a hardware clock on it i'll use it

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Daniel Mayo
Design Engineer (Test)
DICKEY-john Corporation
5200 DICKEY-john Road
Auburn, IL 62615
(217) 438-2437 (phone)

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