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Re: OSXAVR? :) RE: [avr-gcc-list] Future of WINAVR

From: John Butera
Subject: Re: OSXAVR? :) RE: [avr-gcc-list] Future of WINAVR
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:19:45 -0600

I have created a .pkg installer for the AVR toolchain on Mac OS X. I created towards the end of last month, but never did anything with it.

It includes avr-binutils-2.14, avr-gcc-3.3.2, avr-gdb-6.0, avr-libc-1.0.2, avrdude-4.2.0, simulavr from cvs (20031128), and uisp-20030618. I could not get avrarice to compile but I didnt spend much time on it since I dont have an ICE.

You can get the the installer packages I made from me at http://www.1337hxr.org/~pepsi/AVR%20Toolchain%200.9.dmg - It's about 14MB. My DSL can only do around 25k/sec upstream, so you can figure out how long it will take to get it. But feel free to try it out if you want to.

It installs in /usr/local/avr. I might be able to allow it to be relocatable, but again, I didn't spend much time on it. Remember to add /usr/local/avr/bin to your path if you dont want to type out the whole path each time you run something.


On Dec 16, 2003, at 4:33 AM, Asko Kauppi wrote:

I for one would be interested in an OS X version of WinAVR. Anyone else?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Chang-Lin Yu [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: 16. joulukuuta 2003 11:55
To: 'AVR-GCC'; 'AVR-Chat'; 'AVRCLUB'
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Future of WINAVR

Just went to the newly design WINAVR webpage, and I found that Eric have decide to have other people to continue on the development of the WINAVR project, what happen Eric? And what will be the future of all the developer
using WINAVR for design AVR based embedded system???  Does this mean
everyone will need to shift to the Linux environment for the continue
support of GCC AVR library???


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