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[avr-gcc-list] [ANN] WinAVR 20030312 Released

From: E. Weddington
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] [ANN] WinAVR 20030312 Released
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:25:59 -0700

Announcing WinAVR 20030312

WinAVR (pronounced "whenever") is a suite of executable, open source 
software development tools for the Atmel AVR series of RISC 
microprocessors hosted on the Windows platform. It includes the
GNU GCC compiler for C and C++.

WinAVR can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/winavr/

Below is just a sample of what's new.

- The installer now automatically writes the WinAVR directories to 
your PATH environment variable and checks to see if they already 
- avrdude 4.0.0 is now included. avrdude is an open source programmer 
software that is user extensible. It is the former avrprog by Brian 
Dean now renamed and cross-platform.

- GNU Debugger (GDB) 5.3 for the AVR target (avr-gdb) is now 

- AVaRICE 2.0 is now included. AVaRICE is a program for interfacing 
the Atmel JTAG ICE to GDB so users can debug their AVR.

- SRecord 1.14 is now included. SRecord is a collection of utilities 
to manipulate load files in different formats and various ways.

- New version of Programmers Notepad 2. You can now call command-line 
tools. (And without any batch files to do it!)

- avr-libc supports new devices: AT76C711, AT86RF401, AT43USB35x, and 

- Added a small package, tofrodos, to the utilities to convert Unix / 
DOS line endings.
- More changes and corrections to the sample makefile.

For more information see the README.txt file that comes in the binary

Eric Weddington

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