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Re: some new extension of xr-hyperref/hyperref

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: some new extension of xr-hyperref/hyperref
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:42:09 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> Uwe Brauer <> writes:

> I didn't test it either; I was just looking at UF's answer on
> which you cited.

> Yes, it's waiting for a volunteer to do that :-)

> Ok, I think RefTeX should work for \getrefbykeydefault OOTB if we have a
> refcount.el and do the same thing for \getrefbykeydefault as we do for
> \nameref for example, i.e.

>   (TeX-add-symbols
>       '("getrefbykeydefault" TeX-arg-ref ...))

> Ok.

> Yes, but you need an AUCTeX style file in the first place which also
> caters for the other arguments.  Do you want to give it a try?

Fair enough, but then you might try later to add some modified reftex
support? I will try to send a patch later (against the latest master).
BTW I had no time to test your patch for which you called for testers,

I know you and others are not very fond of the idea to mix reftex code
into auctex, but then nobody is forced to use that code....


> Best, Arash

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