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Slow Tramp issue

From: Sandro Romanzetti
Subject: Slow Tramp issue
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 01:10:55 +0200

Dear Tramp Developers, 

I am trying to execute the following R code from within a org-mode file but it 
take more than 60 seconds to get the results back on my screen. For this reason 
I usually login to my remote server and start emacs from the terminal. In that 
case I have no delays whatsoever. 

Here is the source code block:

#+begin_src R :session myplot :results value :colnames yes :exports results

I attach the debug message (using tramp-verbose 10). I would be very grateful 
if you could give me any hint on how to solve this issue. 

Kind regards,
Sandro Romanzetti

Attachment: tramp-debug.txt
Description: Text document

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