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Re: sh -c 'whoami' gives permission error in docker container and puts m

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: sh -c 'whoami' gives permission error in docker container and puts me in weird prompt/subshell
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2023 17:14:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

ParetoOptimalDev <> writes:


>> I've lost the trace. Could you pls show a recipe (starting with "emacs
>> -Q" how to reproduce?
> emacs -Q
> C-x C-f /docker:alpine3173: RET
> M-x eshell
> ```
> Welcome to the Emacs shell
> /docker:alpine3173:~ # sh
> sh: cd: /root/: Permission denied
> ///d7a490935d9ccac4bbd00c51c4cb863b#$echo $USER
> paretoOptimalDev
> ///d7a490935d9ccac4bbd00c51c4cb863b#$echo $SHELL
> /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash
> ///d7a490935d9ccac4bbd00c51c4cb863b#$
> exit
> /docker:alpine3173:~ # whoami
> paertoOptimalDev
> ```

That's not the whole story. How did you start container alpine3173?

You might have said it somewhere, but I haven't the time to search
through all messages. And it is also not guaranteed that you have done
it the same during this test run.

I need a simple recipe I can start with. That's why I ask for.

Best regards, Michael.

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