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Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs long term plans

From: Massimiliano Gubinelli
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs long term plans
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:09:36 +0200

Dear Giorgio,
 TeXmacs is alive and kicking. Many of us (also developers) use it every day and also rely heavily on it.

TeXmacs 2.1 will be released soon and then the plan is to start including support for Qt5 and Guile2+ which will bring back TeXmacs into the main distributions. Note however that in the website there are various ways to install TeXmacs in various Linux distributions:


in particular there are packages ready to install.  Philippe also provide AppImage which I know work very well:



Anyway do not worry. We all love TeXmacs we want to keep it alive.

If you want to try the Qt5+Guile2+ version, you can find it here


but keep in mind that is untested so far and **development** quality. If you don't feel adventurous I suggest you to stick to the official version.



On 17. Apr 2020, at 18:04, Giorgio Pioda <address@hidden> wrote:


I'd like to ask what are the plans for TeXmacs in the midterm.

I sadly noticed today that right now on my brand new bullseye PC
there no easy way anymore to compile it (and prepare a presonal .deb file)
because QT4 has been removed
(and of course guile-1.8 too but this is a smaller issue).

I see that the community seems still alive working on plugins but
the lag in keeping up with the libraries seems to me pretty concerning.

I'va accumuilated for sure more GB of TeXmacs files and in case of
a dismissal I would like to be warned in advance.

This said, I also add that TeXmacs is in my opinion the very best math
and scientific editor. It's loss would be really huge.

Are you going to keep at least for some time the static version up to date?

Why not puttin TeXmacs in a flak, snap or equivalent repository without
the hassle of the deps.

Best Regards and Thanks for existing

Dr Giorgio P.

P.S: Unfortunately I'm not a developper otherwise I would fine
some spare time to help.

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