Hi all, I am happy to announce the new stable release 1.0.3 of TeXmacs. The main improvements with respect to TeXmacs-1.0.2 are: * An export filter for Postscript and Pdf which supports scalable fonts. * An interface with FreeType 2 for the support of several new fonts. * TeXmacs has become ``DRD aware'', which means that properties can be associated to primitive and user defined tags. * The TeXmacs website has been redesigned and generated using TeXmacs. * A better Html output filter and several minor improvements in the LaTeX import converter. * Several improvements in the plug-ins and support for the free Axiom system. * Scheme support for plugging in new data types and converters. * Support for the Slovene language. Best wishes, ----------------------------------------------------------- Joris van der Hoeven http://www.texmacs.org: GNU TeXmacs scientific text editor http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~vdhoeven: personal homepage -----------------------------------------------------------