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weird voice used by Orca by default.

From: Didier Spaier
Subject: weird voice used by Orca by default.
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 23:13:26 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.2.2


Test of a new version of a Linux system in a Qemu VM, with:
LANG set to fr_FR.utf8
DefaultModule espeak-ng in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speehcd.conf
# DefaultLanguage "en-US" in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speehcd.conf

Fisrt boot of the system, landing in a console then typing "startx" to start X
and LXQt, I hear a voice in English in LXQ but expected a French one.
In the Voice Tab of the Orca preferences window I see:
Synthétiseur vocal: Synthétiseur by default
Langue : fr-FR
Personne : voix par défault default
and if I click on "Person" drop down list I see only Virginie.

This looks weird as Virginie is a pico voice, not a espeak-ng voice.

Nothing change if I set pico explicitly in the Synthétiseur vocal field
But if I set Virginie as Person I do hear virginie.

However if I set espeak-ng I do hear a French voice.

Aldo, if I set the syntétiseur vocal to espeak-ng-mbrola, the voice is the same,
to actually use an espeak-ng-mbrola voice I need to set one as Person
(french-mbrola-1 or french-mbrola-2 instead of voix par défault espak-ng-mbrola

Any clue appreciated, I don't know if it is an issue with orca and/or spd and/or
my installation.


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