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Re: Lying about Hockeypuck being SKS?

From: Andreas Puls
Subject: Re: Lying about Hockeypuck being SKS?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 21:13:50 +0100
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Am 22.03.2021 um 20:41 schrieb Marcel Waldvogel:
On Sun, 2021-03-21 at 22:56 +0100, Andreas Puls wrote:

I've created now a patch that just replaces in the json export
with server_contact and Total with numkeys.

Great, thanks! I just merged this. Now my Hockeypuck server appears in
the statistics.

You're welcome!

In my hockeypuck configuration i've set Version to 1.1.6+ and
to SKS

Yeah, i've done it too. :)

Hockeypuck is blacklisted in the code, because it
was not good enough to be incorporated into the pool when Kristian
wrote the code. Now, it seems to be in the same ballpark as SKS.

Asking Kristian to remove the Hockeypuck ban resulted in him explaining
that he does not plan to change the code or accept changes; instead, we
should set up our own fork of his code.

I think this leaves us with the following ways to progress:

a) We leave it as is, Hockeypuck is fine, but just not in the pool.
b) We create a second pool, where Hockeypuck is acceptable (and
probably SKS as well).
c) We agree that Hockeypuck lying to be SKS is accepted in the pool,
and maybe even recommended.

I would favor (c), plus keeping the version number in the 2.x range, so
that experts still can tell the difference.

b would be great but i think this is a hell of work.

Since we haven't heard for a while from Kristian and the pool is working
- ok more or less - i would go with option c too. Also with the Version
string 2.x .
We need to fix the peers field which will be reported via options=mr to
meet the requirements from the pool skript.


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