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[Savannah-hackers-public] Patch for savannah frontend

From: Lukas Diener
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] Patch for savannah frontend
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 08:59:09 +0000

Dear everyone

As per the HowToBecomeASavannahHacker wiki page, I would like to 
introduce myself a bit to be able to contribute a small patch to the 
savannah project.

My name is Lukas, I'm a programmer and teacher from Switzerland. I don't 
have much of a background with free software other than using the usual 
mainstream software (bash, GIMP, Gzip, Wget). I did attend a talk of Mr. 
Stallman at the University of Berne, Switzerland about 2 years ago 
though. My savannah username is Lukas_Skywalker.

Regarding the patch: the search box in the left naviational menu of 
savannah was overflowing the menu bar on Firefox. This attached patch 
fixes that.

Best regards, Lukas

Attachment: search.diff
Description: search.diff

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