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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Prospective Savannah Hacker Evaluation: Ta

From: Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Prospective Savannah Hacker Evaluation: Task 13585 (Stive)
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 17:40:40 -0300

Hello, Assaf!

Em Thu, 3 Sep 2015 14:08:52 -0400
Assaf Gordon <address@hidden> escreveu:

> The other page ("How To Get Your project approved quickly") is meant
> to expand and elaborate on the requirements, and since it is part of
> the wiki, we can expand and improve it as needed (see here for wiki
> instructions:
> ).

I have to be a member of the administration group in order to be able
to contribute to it, right?

> Long ago, I started building a much longer check-list of optional and
> required items:

Why isn't this in the Savannah wiki?  It seems you did a good job there!

> That's a good intention, but I've learned that this is likely not our
> place or time to suggest "code quality" improvements.

OK.  Taking into consideration your suggestions, I've updated my
evaluation of Stive.

======================= EVALUATION BEGINNING =========================

Hi David!

I'm evaluating Stive, the project you submitted for approval in
Savannah.  While doing so I have noticed a few issues that you should
be aware about.

You didn't provide the program's dependency list.  After a closer look
I've realized that, GNU Bash, Lynx and VLC are dependencies.  Does
Stive have any other software dependency?  If so, make sure all of its
remaining dependencies are free software and let me know.

Before your project gets approved though, the following changes are

  * Put the copyright and license notices --- in the form of a source
    code comments --- in the Stive's script very top, as explained at  Use the extended
    license notice provided there, not the reduced version you used in
    the '--copyright' option.

  * Include a copy of the GPLv3+ license as the 'COPYING' file.  You
    can find it here:

=========================== EVALUATION END ============================

Is this good?

 ,= ,-_-. =.  Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix) [0x28D618AF]
((_/)o o(\_))
 `-'(. .)`-'  irc://
     \_/      xmpp:address@hidden

GNU maintainer: ccd2cue
DMOZ free software editor (Portuguese)

[GNU DISCLAIMER] I'm a GNU hacker, but my views don't necessarily
match those of the GNU project.  Hereby I express my own opinion,
style and perception, in good faith, aiming the betterment of GNU.

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