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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Willing to Assist with Bazaar

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Willing to Assist with Bazaar
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:52:39 +0300

> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:30:19 -0400
> From: Assaf Gordon <address@hidden>
> CC: address@hidden, address@hidden
> > The command is "bzr branches".
> I can't get this to work - perhaps I'm using an incorrect URL ?

Which version of bzr do you have?  I think there's a built-in command
in latest bzr versions that shadows the one I meant.

> > There's no such thing, AFAIK: each bzr project includes at least one
> > branch.
> The GNU Savannah website says this when looking at a BZR project:
> "
> For a repository with separate branch directories (trunk, devel, …), use:
>   *bzr branch bzr://
> where branch is the name of the branch you want.
> For a repository with only a top-level .bzr directory, use:
>   * bzr branch bzr://
> "
> So the second option is not used in real projects ? It's safe to assume 
> there's always a branch ?

No, it is used.  The first option has several branches under a parent
directory that is the shared repo, and stores revisions that are
common to all branches.  IOW, it's a storage optimization; e.g., when
you clone another branch, only the versions specific to that branch
will be brought downstream.

The second option is a stand-alone branch, with no repo above it.

But in both options, there's at least one branch.

> >> I seem to have problems cloning a large repository on a virtual machine 
> >> with limited RAM (512MB, but likely ~380MB free).
> >> For example, when trying to clone the emacs repository at 
> >> "";,
> >> I get a lot of "Killed" messages (I guess due to OOM), and the clone fails.
> >
> > You need more RAM.
> That's always true :)
> But the current situation is that I'm paying for this VM myself and that's 
> what I have, and I was hoping to be able to do these tasks on this machine.

My Emacs repo holds 480MB of meta-data, and I think bzr needs at least
that much to clone it.  I'd say you need 0.5GB available VM to do this
(only the first time you clone it).

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